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Tentative Conference Program

Sunday, November 4, 2007
18:30 - 20:00 Opening Reception
Light refreshments including New Zealand wine and finger food
Monday, November 5, 2007
8:30 - 9:40 Invited Presentation
10:10 - 12:00 Resource allocation
13:30 - 14:40 Invited Presentation
15:10 - 17:00 Signals and development
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
8:30 - 10:00 Photosynthesis
10:30 - 12:15 Nitrogen in plants
  Plant measurement techniques
13:30 - 15:00 Modeling software
15:30 - 17:00 Posters and software demos
See accepted posters here.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
8:30 - 10:00 Plants, pathogens, and sprays
10:30 - 12:00 Biophysics and biomechanics
Thursday, November 8, 2007
8:30 - 10:00 Crop plants
10:30 - 12:00 Tree models
13:30 - 15:15 Leaves to canopies
15:30 - 17:00 Posters and software demos
See accepted posters here.
Friday, November 9, 2007
8:30 - 10:00 Mathematical methods
10:30 - 12:00 Patterns and tissue
13:30 - 15:15 Light environment
15:45 - 17:00 Closing session
Accepted posters
  1. 3D virtual plants to phenotype differences among genotypes: Taking into account plant-environment interactions to better understand genetic variability in leaf development response to light
    Karine Chenu, Jérémie Lecoeur
  2. The application of a functional-structural plant model to validate a mechanistic model of ozone-induced photosynthetic rate reduction in Populus tremuloides
    Michael A. Donahue, George E. Host, Kathryn E. Lenz, Kyle Roskoski, Harlan W. Stech
  3. An architectural modelling study of chickpea-sowthistle interactions
    S-Zahra-Hosseini Cici, Steve Adkins, Brian Sindel, Jim Hanan
  4. Asynchronous cell division model for morphogenesis of plant leaves
    Toshiya Kazama, Satoshi Murata
  5. Automated procedures for estimating LAI of Australian woodland ecosystems using digital imagery, Matlab programming and LAI / MODIS LAI relationship
    Sigfredo Fuentes, Anthony R. Palmer, Daniel Taylor, Chris Hunt, Derek Eamus
  6. Automatic instantiation of a structural leaf model from 3D scanner data: application to light interception computation
    Jean-Christophe Chambelland, Boris Adam, Nicolas Donès, Philippe Balandier, André Marquier, Mathieu Dassot, Gabriela Sonohat, Marc Saudreau, Hervé Sinoquet
  7. Contribution of leaf orientation and leaf physiology to the maximization of plant carbon gain
    Juan M. Posada, Risto Sievanen, Jari Perttunen, Christian Messier, Eero Nikinmaa
  8. Describing hierarchical canopy structure and within-canopy multiple scattering with spectral invariants for remote sensing purposes
    Sampo Smolander
  9. A dynamic model system to couple the organ length and mass dynamics specified for spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)
    Peter Wernecke, Tino Dornbusch, Johannes Müller
  10. Dynamical models for plant pattern formation
    Scott Hotton, Jacques Dumais
  11. The effect of branching on cotton plant growth and development
    Dong Li, Yan Guo, Zhigang Zhan
  12. Effect of the plants azimuth on light phylloclimate within a virtual maize canopy
    Michaël Chelle, Paul Toulouse
  13. Enhancing the simulation of a hydraulic tree-soil system by an interface between the hydraulic models HYDRA for Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl. and the hydraulic soil model SilVlow
    Helge Dzierzon, Michael Schulte, Christoph Blendinger, Branislav Sloboda, Winfried Kurth
  14. Estimation of the amount of light intercepted by a plant in natural and artificial environments: Contribution of 3D virtual plants in sunflower and Arabidopsis thaliana
    Karine Chenu, Hervé Rey, Jean Dauzat, Jérémie Lecoeur
  15. Evaluating a three-dimensional model of incident radiation in maize canopy
    Xiping Wang, Yan Guo, Xiyong Wang, Baoguo Li
  16. Evaluation of a turbid medium model to simulate light interception by plant canopies at three spatial scales
    Didier Combes, Michaël Chelle, Hervé Sinoquet, Abraham Escobar-Gutiérrez, Claude Varlet-Grancher
  17. Examining the influences of canopy structure on the light distribution and canopy productivity of cucumber using a 3D structural plant model approach
    Dirk Wiechers, Katrin Kahlen, Hartmut Stützel
  18. Experimental and model evidence for complementary resource use in mixed-species rainforest tree plantations
    Anna E. Richards, Susanne Schmidt, Jim Hanan
  19. Exploring morphogenetical gradient variability using hidden Markov tree models in young individuals of the tropical species Symphonia globulifera (Clusiaceae).
    Patrick Heuret, Jean-Baptiste Durand, Eric Nicolini, Sabrina Coste, Yves Caraglio
  20. Fast forest visualization on hierarchical images and visibility
    Qingqiong Deng, Xiaopeng Zhang, Xiangdong Lei, Marc Jaeger
  21. From ALife plant models toward evolutionary FSPM
    Stefan Bornhofen, Claude Lattaud
  22. A functional-structural model of rice (Oryza sativa L.) linking morphogenesis with quantitative trait loci
    Lifeng Xu, Ole Kniemeyer, Jun Zhu, Gerhard Buck-Sorlin
  23. GRAAL-CN: a model of GRowth, Architecture and ALlocation for Carbon and Nitrogen dynamics within whole plants formalized at the organ level
    Jean-Louis Drouet, Loïc Pagès
  24. GREENLAB as a tool to solve source-sink relationships in tomato - Application to the quantification of fruit set dependence on the level of competition for assimilates
    Gaetan Louarn, Yang Lili, Dong Qiaoxue, Phillipe de Reffye
  25. Growth and architecture modeling of yerba-mate cultivated in contrasting light environments using AMAPmod
    Miroslava Rakocevic, Adriano Franzoni Otavian, Sílvio Evangelista, Érica Vitória Picarelli, Eduardo Delgado Assad
  26. Growth unit dimorphism in mango. Consequences for structure-function modelling
    Frédéric Normand, Abdoul Kowir Pambo Bello, Pierre-Eric Lauri
  27. A hybrid method to estimate light phylloclimate within growth chambers
    Didier Combes, Boris Adam, Agélique Christophe, Michaël Chelle
  28. Including the effect of biological processes in the allometric scaling relationships
    Pekka Kaitaniemi, Anna Vehanen
  29. The influence of branching pattern on the performance of tree species
    Sandra Mueller, Ernst-Detlef Schulze
  30. Is Lacunarity a valuable measure of plant canopy structure?
    Irene Roberts, Rudolf A. Roemer, Dave Skirvin
  31. A model for sporophyte development in the filamentous brown alga Ectocarpus siliculosus
    Bernard Billoud, Aude Le Bai, Bénédicte Charrier
  32. Modeling tree crown photosynthesis in elevated atmospheric CO2
    David Ellsworth, Marion Liberloo
  33. Modelling the time course of senescence in winter wheat at the individual leaf and whole plant level
    Jonathan Hillier, Jillian Watt, Jessica Bertheloot, Phillip Lewis, Christian Fournier, Bruno Andrieu
  34. Modelling wheat behaviour under different population densities using the stochastic GreenLab model
    MengZhen Kang, Jochem B. Evers, Véronique Letort, Jan Vos, Philippe de Reffye
  35. On the implementation of the functional-structural tree model LIGNUM
    Jari Perttunen, Risto Sievänen, Jouni Hartikainen, Eero Nikinmaa
  36. OpenAlea: An open-source platform for the integration of heterogeneous FSPM components
    Samuel Dufour-Kowalski, Christophe Pradal, Nicolas Donès, Pierre Barbier de Reuille, Frédéric Boudon, Jérôme Chopard, David Da Silva, Jean-Baptiste Durand, Pascal Ferraro, Christian Fournier, Yann Guédon, Aïda Ouangraoua, Colin Smith, Szymon Stoma, Frédéric Théveny, Hervé Sinoquet, Christophe Godin
  37. Relative contribution of foliage display and leaf functions to branch physiological capacities in two apple cultivars: a functional-structural modeling approach
    Catherine Massonnet, Jean-Luc Regnard, Pierre-Eric Lauri, Hervé Sinoquet, Evelyne Costes
  38. Scaling up to whole-plant and crop levels short-term responses of leaf growth to water deficit
    Karine Chenu, Scott C. Chapman, Graeme L. Hammer, Greg McLean, Christian Fournier, François Tardieu
  39. Segmentation-based approaches for characterising plant architecture and assessing its plasticity at different scales
    Jean-Baptiste Durand, Yves Caraglio, Patrick Heuret, Eric Nicolini
  40. Shedding morphogenetically active radiation on functional structural plant models
    Didier Combes, Abraham Escobar-Gutiérrez, Claude Varlet-Grancher
  41. Simulating perennial ryegrass cutting
    Alban Verdenal, Didier Combes, Abraham Escobar-Gutiérrez
  42. Simulation of fertility behavior of natural populations of rice at two environments using L-system
    Lakshmi P. Subedi, Tara N. Subedi
  43. A statistical model for analyzing jointly growth phases, the influence of environmental factors and inter-individual heterogeneity. Applications to forest trees.
    Florence Chaubert, Yves Caraglio, Christian Lavergne, Catherine Trottier, Yann Guédon
  44. Using the language XL for structural analysis
    Ole Kniemeyer, Jan-Anton Dérer, Reinhard Hemmerling, Gerhard Buck-Sorlin, Winfried Kurth
  45. Variation of leaf blade optical properties with the time cut from plant
    Cailian Lao, Jinhe Hu, Yuntao Ma, Baoguo Li, Yan Guo
  46. Virtual kiwifruit: Modelling annual growth cycle and light distribution
    Mikolaj Cieslak, Alla N. Seleznyova, Jim Hanan
  47. Virtual phyllotaxis and real plant model cases
    Beata Zagórska-Marek, Marcin Szpak
  48. Virtual rose: a new tool to optimize plant architecture in glasshouse rose production systems
    Gerhard Buck-Sorlin, Benno S. Burema, Jochem B. Evers, Gerie van der Heijden, Ep Heuvelink, Leo Marcelis, Paul C. Struik, Pieter de Visser, Theo Damen, Jan Vos
  49. Visualizing reaction of chrysanthemum to temperature and light: model calibration and validation
    MengZhen Kang, Ep Heuvelink, Véronique Letort, Paul-Henry Cournède, Susana M.P. Carvalho, Philippe de Reffye
  50. Woody stem itself senses light environment and phototropically bends by asymmetrical xylem formation
    Jun Matsuzaki, Masaya Masumori, Takeshi Tange