Modeling plant morphogenesis

Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz and Anne-Gaelle Rolland-Lagan
Department of Computer Science, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada


Applications of computational techniques to developmental plant biology include the processing of experimental data and the construction of simulation models. Substantial progress has been made in these areas over the past few years. Complex image-processing techniques are used to integrate sequences of two-dimensional images into three-dimensional descriptions of development over time and to extract useful quantitative traits. Large amounts of data are integrated into empirical models of developing plant organs and entire plants. Mechanistic models link molecular-level phenomena with the resulting phenotypes. Several models shed light on the possible properties of active auxin transport and its role in plant morphogenesis.


Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz and Anne-Gaelle Rolland-Lagan. Modeling plant morphogenesis. Current Opinion in Plant Biology, volume 9, pp. 83-88.

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